@article { author = {Hedayat Panah, Mohammad reza}, title = {درآمدى برشناخت شکل گیرى و تطور صحابه نگارى(2)}, journal = {تاریخ اسلام درآینه پژوهش 5، بهار 1384}, volume = {2}, number = {1}, pages = {225-250}, year = {2005}, publisher = {Imam Khomeini Educational and Research Institute}, issn = {2423-4028}, eissn = {2980-8375}, doi = {}, abstract = {In our previous issue , we introduced to the readers the first part of this research which was a review of the development of the historiography of the Prophet's Companions in the period from the first century until the seventh century i.e. until the time of Ibn al-Athir and "Kitab Asad al- Ghabah Fi Ma'rifat al-Sahabah" . The article takes a glance at some issues including the status of the Prophet's Companions, who represent a link between the age of the Muhammadian message and the later generations , the early development of historiography of the Prophet's Companions and a general bibliography of the early historiographers who wrote the Prophet's Companions. The discussion also included such issues like writing about the good qualities of the Companions , the histriography of the Companions according to locality and the origin and early development of two schools of historiography of the Companions; namely the hadith school and the narrative - critical school. The author , then , points to the challenges which hadith school faced and how they caused the historiographers who wrote about the Companions to turn away from this school and join the narrative - critical school. Meanwhile , an acount is introduced about the methods used in the writing of three important books including Abu Na'im's `` Ma'rifat al Sahabah'' and Ibn Abd al-Bir's `` Al- Isti'ab Fi Ma'rifat al As . hab'' . The rest of the research will appear in later issues.}, keywords = {}, title_fa = {درآمدى برشناخت شکل گیرى و تطور صحابه نگارى(2)}, abstract_fa ={در بخش نخست، نگاهى گذرا به سیر تدوین صحابه نگارى از قرن نخست تا قرن هفتم، یعنى تا عصر ابن اثیر و کتاب اسدالغابه فى معرفة الصحابه داشتیم. مباحثى هر چند خلاصه درباره جایگاه صحابه نزد مسلمانان به عنوان واسطه میان عصر رسالت و نسل هاى بعدى و نیز شروع صحابه نگارى و فهرست صحابه نگاران پیشگام، بیان شد. هم چنین به فضایل نگارى صحابه و صحابه نگارى محلى و نیز دو مکتب صحابه نگارى حدیثى و توصیفى - انتقادى پرداختیم و اشاره شد که مکتب حدیث نگارى با کدام چالش ها روبه رو شد که صحابه نگاران بعدى از این رویه تبعیت نکرده، به صحابه نگارى توصیفى - انتقادى رو آوردند و در این میان به توضیح و تبیین شیوه و روش تدوین سه کتاب مهم معرفة الصحابه ابونعیم، معرفة الصحابه ابن مَنْده و الاستیعاب فى معرفة الاصحاب ابن عبدالبر پرداختیم. اینک ادامه بحث.}, keywords_fa = {}, url = {https://tarikh.nashriyat.ir/node/408}, eprint = {} }