@article { author = {Aflakiyan , Majid}, title = {تشیع ابن‌عباس از منظر مناظرات او (1)}, journal = {تاریخ اسلام درآینه پژوهش 19، پاییز 1387}, volume = {5}, number = {3}, pages = {41-68}, year = {2008}, publisher = {Imam Khomeini Educational and Research Institute}, issn = {2423-4028}, eissn = {2980-8375}, doi = {}, abstract = {}, keywords = {}, title_fa = {تشیع ابن‌عباس از منظر مناظرات او (1)}, abstract_fa ={Although a long time has passed since the advent of Islam, we still Witness disagreements among Islamic sects. These disagreements – mostly between Shia and Sunni – should be traced back to the period after the Prophet’s death. According to Shi'i doctrine, some Companions did not follow the Holy Prophet’s will regarding Imam Ali. flowever, some of the adherents of the Prophet’s Household' including Ibn Abbas' defended Imam Ali. The present paper is seeking to explain and analyze Ibn Abbass’ positions - in different times – against others to whom he would debate. The results of such debates show his shi'i belief in the Prophet’s Household in the first half of the 1st century. This paper is presented in two parts; the first part is presented in this issue, and the second part in the next issue.}, keywords_fa = {معاویه ,تشیع ,خوارج ,حضرت علی(ع) ,ابن‌عباس ,عمر ,عایشه ,عمروعاص ,عبدالله‌بن زبیر. ,}, url = {https://tarikh.nashriyat.ir/node/539}, eprint = {} }