تاریخ اسلام در آینه پژوهش، سال دوم، شماره اول، پیاپی 5، بهار 1384، صفحات -

    چکیده انگلیسى

    نوع مقاله: 
    Article data in English (انگلیسی)
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    چکیده انگلیسى

    _Gh__adir _Kh__umm and

    Sakifat Banص Sa`ida

    (ambiguities , assumptions and arguments)

    Dr. Jihan Bakhsh Thawaqib.(1)

    The present research focuses on and addresses a question of special importance. The question is : Were the proceedings of Saqifah , in which various groups discussed the question of the Prophet's succession , grounded on the Ghadir hadith or not?

    It is worth noticing here that the event of Saqifah took place nearly two months after the event of Ghadir -within a very short period!

    In an attempt to cast light on this topic , an account is introduced about each of these two events which influenced the course of the history of Islam, and about the similarities and the differences between them are exhibited. The researcher, then , expounds on whether or not the event of Ghadir has a sound basis and discusses the view that the Saqifah had ignored the Ghadir event. The research provides a number of Shi'ah's arguments about the event of Ghadir and their ideas about the Prophet's succession.

    Islamic Historiography

    translated by Hasan Husayn - Zؤda Shؤnichi (2)

    Under the influence of different factors, Muslims began historiography from the first Hijra century.

    These influental factors can be divided into two kinds: positive and negative, the first of which are the Qura'n and hadiths (the prophetic traditions) and the second of which are the troubles and disturbances. Each of these two factors had its own effect on Islamic historiography over its different stages of development. Islamic history books, which at the beginning were concerned with personal affairs , developed into more or less historical authorships and then into advanced history books.

    In each of these four stages, Muslim historians wrote many books, most of which are considered as important and authentic Islamic sources.

    This article, which is based on a book entitled Science of History by Sa'ib Abdul al - Hamid , desls to with the factors which had influenced Islamic historiography and point to its different stages of development .

    The Nawba_kh__tis and Their Influence

    on the Advancement of Shi`i Though

    Husayn Husaynian Moqadam(3)

    Nobakhtis are ancient Iranians. They entered Islam during the reign of Mansoor, an Abbasid caliph, and were among the people who kept Abbasid caliphs' company. Their palitical , economic and scientific competence made them enjoy a good social status which helped them to play a major part in promoting Shi'ah thoughts and supporting Shi'ah community. Among the distinguished learned Nobakhti figures are Isma'il ibn Ali and Ibu Muhammad Nobakhti who wrote valuable works which then became sources for theologists. Husayn ibn Ruh is another famous and great Nobakhti figure who reached the honourable station of being one of Imam Madi's deputies in the period of the minor disappearance of Imam Mahdi .

    The Nobakhtis played a significant role in the glory of Islamic culture and civilization through their translations of philosopical and astrological books into Arabic.

    Nobakhtis' descendents were educated and learned people and literary men, and great poets sought their company and wrote poems in praise of them.

    Nobokhtis' theological approach contributed to reinforcing Baghdad's scientific school , and they, unlike the religious scholars of Qom, tried to explain the principles of religion by reasonining . Therefore, their works and debates have theological and philosophical basis and reflect on the thoughts of other Islamic schools of thought, particularly the Mu'tazillah. The Nobakhthis' ways of reasoning completely differ from those of Ibn Babawais' but they both worked together to spread the fundamental principles of Shi'ah thoughts and combat religious deviations and extreme ideas . The difference and co-operathion between the two groups resulted in the foundation of Mufid school in Baghdad .

    The History of Shi`ism in Nصshؤpاr (Nصsؤbاr)

    from Ist. until 4 th. A. H. (lunar) Centuries

    Muhammed Dashti(4)

    The first part of this research which appeared in the previous issue of this journal included a number of questions such as a brief account of the history of Neyshؤbاr , the course of development of Shi'ah school of thought between the first and the fourth A.H. (lunar) centuries in this town over the different stages and Shi'ah's active participation in rebuilding the old town of Neyshؤbاr.

    The present part of the research addresses various issues including Imam Rid.a's role in the spread of Shi'ah school of thought in Neyshؤbاr, the sort of participation Shiؤh had in this town, Imam's deputies there, the situation of the Islamic Seminary which was founded by Imami Shi'ah and Shi'ah's financial relation with Imams in that part of Iran.

    A Glance at the Christians and Their Position

    during the First Four Centuries A.H.

    Shahrbano Dilbari(5)

    For many many ages Iran has been a country for people of various origins and different religions and creeds. The early days of the spread of Islam in Iran mark the period of establishing Iranians' most important and sustainable faith. Iranians began to join Islam in groups at regular times in the period that followed the Sasani Emperor. When Islam came to Iran for the first time, people of different faiths including Christians were among the inhabitants who had been living in Iran for hundreds years. At that period of time, the Christians Iived together with Ahl al-Thimma, i.e. the non-Muslims who pay tribute , and formed one of the religious minorities. They received special care from Muslim authorities and were able to rise to positions of prestige in various scientific and social fields.

    Forbearance towards Ahl al-Kitab, which is one of the basic principles in Islam , has been exercised in dealing with the Christians who are leading a peaceful life today. The present article sheds light on the condition of the Christians in Iran in the first four Hegira centuries.

    A Survey of 'Arba`صn (Forty days after the great

    heart-rending martyrdom of Imam Husain, the second

    grandson of the Prophet Muhammad)

    Mohsin Ranjbar(6)

    In recent centuries a wave of doubts was raised by some Shi'ah researchers about the event of the first piligrimage which a number of the Household of the Prophet (p.b.h.) made to Imam Husayn's grave forty days after his martyrdom. Some other researchers argue for this event and refute the claims of the deniers.

    At the outset, the article refers to the suppositions of those who deny this event and comments on them. Then, a detailed argument and further evidences are introduced to confirm the occurance of the event.

    Sa`d ibn Abi Waqqؤs versusImam` Ali (Part Two)

    Muh. ammad Muh. sin T.abasi

    In the first part of this research which appeared in the previous issue of this journal we pointed to some aspects of Sa'ad's character and activities like his early acceptance of Islam , his role as a leading figure in the battles of Qadissiyah and Nahawand , his membership in the six - person council which selected a caliph after the Prophet's death and his stances vis - ؤ - vis Imam Ali. Also an account was given about his personality and his love for wealth and strong ambition for caliphate .

    The present article is concerned with Sa'ad's stances vis - ؤ - vis Iman Ali during the period of Imam's caliphate , particulary relating the three battles which broke out during the reign of Imam Ali. The article which comments on different narrations of some historians numerates the weak points in them.

    An Introduction to the Historical Background

    of the Prophet Muhammad's Companions

    Muh. ammad Rid .a Hidayat - Panah(7)

    In our previous issue , we introduced to the readers the first part of this research which was a review of the development of the historiography of the Prophet's Companions in the period from the first century until the seventh century i.e. until the time of Ibn al-Athir and "Kitab Asad al- Ghabah Fi Ma'rifat al-Sahabah" . The article takes a glance at some issues including the status of the Prophet's Companions, who represent a link between the age of the Muhammadian message and the later generations , the early development of historiography of the Prophet's Companions and a general bibliography of the early historiographers who wrote the Prophet's Companions. The discussion also included such issues like writing about the good qualities of the Companions , the histriography of the Companions according to locality and the origin and early development of two schools of historiography of the Companions; namely the hadith school and the narrative - critical school.

    The author , then , points to the challenges which hadith school faced and how they caused the historiographers who wrote about the Companions to turn away from this school and join the narrative - critical school.

    Meanwhile , an acount is introduced about the methods used in the writing of three important books including Abu Na'im's `` Ma'rifat al Sahabah'' and Ibn Abd al-Bir's `` Al- Isti'ab Fi Ma'rifat al As . hab'' . The rest of the research will appear in later issues.

    1 a doctrate student in the field of Islamic history in Iran.

    2 a doctrate student in the field of history and Islamic civilization .

    3 M.A . in the history of Ialam and a member of the scientific advisory in the Research Centre of Hawzah and University.

    4 a doctrate student in the field of history.

    5 PhD in the history of the civilization of Islamic nations .

    6 a doctrate student in history .

    7 a member of the history department in the Researches Centre of Hawza and University.

    شیوه ارجاع به این مقاله: RIS Mendeley BibTeX APA MLA HARVARD VANCOUVER


    (نویسنده تعیین نشده).(1384) چکیده انگلیسى. دو فصلنامه تاریخ اسلام در آینه پژوهش، 2(1)، -


    (نویسنده تعیین نشده)."چکیده انگلیسى". دو فصلنامه تاریخ اسلام در آینه پژوهش، 2، 1، 1384، -


    (نویسنده تعیین نشده).(1384) 'چکیده انگلیسى'، دو فصلنامه تاریخ اسلام در آینه پژوهش، 2(1), pp. -


    (نویسنده تعیین نشده). چکیده انگلیسى. تاریخ اسلام در آینه پژوهش، 2, 1384؛ 2(1): -