Article data in English (انگلیسی)
translated by: Seyyed Rahim Rastitabar
A Survey on the Number of People Present at Qadir Khom
Seyyid Jalal Imam
Seminary graduate and M.A. Student in History of Shiism
As for the number of people present at the important historical event of Qadir Khom, there are different remarks and traditions. In this paper, while reviewing these traditions, the writer has made an attempt to calculate the number of people present at Qadir by considering the existing documents and using analytical method as well as other historical evidences in estimating the Medinian population during the last years of the Prophet's life.
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The Political Conditions of Iran under Safavid Shah Tahmasp
Hamid Hajianpur
History Department, at Shiraz University
This study is a review of the political conditions of Iran in the period after the establishment of the Safavid dynasty, and tries to seek the line of gradual changes in the early formation of the Safavid dynasty out of the related events. The crisis of founder tribes and their struggle with Tajiks, their deep influence on the Safavid institutions and society, as well as Shah Tahmasp's treatment of the Muslim states, deserve close scrutiny in These disturbed Circumstances. This study presents a new re-identification of Shah Tahmasp's personality and, especially, his manner of restoring the monarchical sovereignty.
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Social History of Iranian Shi'is in the Early Half of the Nineth Century AH.
Seyyed Ali Husseinpur
MA. Student in the History of Shi'ism
The social history and its related changes have recently been considered. A research on this field, not only seems necessary to understand the historins' social and historical methods, factors, components and views, but also makes considerable changes in inferences drawn about the reasons of emergence, collapse, prosperity of societies in the past. Therefore, it can be claimed that it is necessary to review, or even rewrite, many historical works written so far without a consideration of social history.
It seems a strenuous task to do a research on the social history of the present Islamic era, and that of the Shi'is, in particular, due to its dispersal in numerous sources and the lack of early sources dedicated to this issue.
This article is the result of a research Conducted on some of the factors and elements of the Shi'is' social history in the early half of the 9th century (800-850 AH). This period is coincident with the Timurid reign all over Iran and some other neighboring rigions, and some aspects of the social history of that period has been investigated.
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Review of Biographies of Martyrs and the Historiography Of the Ashura Event
From Beginning Up To Now (3)
Muhsen Ranjbar
Researcher and PhD student in the History of Islam
The present study deals with recognizing and introducing the biographies of the martyrs and other writings on the history of the Ashura Event from its beginning up to The Present time in two periods. We dealt with the first period in two preceding issues and argued that the first period has been organized into two parts: The first part presents a list of these biographies from the start up to the 7th century AH; and the second part gives a descriptive account of the writings on the history of The Ashra Event up to the 7th century AH. In this issue, the The Writer presents the rest of the study on the second period. The second period dedicated to biographies and writings from the 8th to the 14th century AH. is also organized into two parts: In the first part, after an introduction, some important writings from the 8th century up to the present age are introduced; and in the second part, the most important writings of the contemporary ages with the important role they have played in presenting spurious and even fictitious accounts about the Ashura Event, have been introduced; they have been called "Distorting Sources" in this paper.
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The Idea of Rule-Governed History from the Viewpoints of
Reason and Religion (2)
Javad Suleymani
PhD student in the theoretical teachings of Islam
In the first part of this article, the idea of the history as being rule-governed was studied, and it was proved that the history, like all other actions and reactions in the universe, is subject to the "cause and effect" order, and the common identity of human beings as the principal building blocks of the society justifies the existence of common rules in history and history as being rule-governed is not inconsistent with human freedom, because in all voluntary and human-related phenomena and events, the very human free will is one of the adequate causes. Now in this part, the writer reviews some of the religious arguments for history as a rule-governed entity. In sum, the Quranic verses While asserting the existence of "Divine Practice" (Divine Sunnah) in history, and inviting human beings to get lessons from the past events or experiences and even ask them to travel to various parts of the world, or considering the histories of peoples in the past as a guide for human beings, clearly proves history to be a rule-governed entity.
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A Review of A Book
Hasan Yusefiyan
Seminary graduate and PhD student in Theology
In recent months, a book was published in Iran whose author criticizes some of the dimensions of the current view on Imamat issue. The original work is in English and in many ways proves to be in conformity with the taste and palate of the orientalists and critics of the traditional Shi'i view; and the modifications in the Persian translation (under the author's supervision) are in such away they Seem as if they have been made for "winning Shi'is' support". The author uses the traditions in a Selective and biased manner, claiming that the current Shi'i view on Imamt is an extremist one. The present paper reviews this book briefly, dealing with some of the deficiencies and making some Critical remarks on it.