تاریخ اسلام در آینه پژوهش، سال پنجم، شماره اول، پیاپی 17، بهار 1387، صفحات -

    چکیده انگلیسی / سیدرحیم راستى‏تبار

    نوع مقاله: 
    Article data in English (انگلیسی)
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    translated by: Seyyed Rahim Rastitabar

    The Concept of "Imam" Throughout History (up to mid-2nd century)

    Murteza Bahrami Khoshnodi

    (MA in History of Shiism)

    "Imamate" is one of the most important issues discussed among Muslims, and the disagreements on this subject can be regarded as the chief reason for the emergence of [different] Islamic sects. As a result of such disagreements and a wide divergence of opinion, the term "Imam", in effect, took on different meanings and, semantically speaking, "its semantic teatures or components changed". These divergences of opinion can be taken into consideration both in their historical development and in the domain of various sects and thoughts. Being central, this subject in the Shi'i thought is of immense significance; especially in that the study of the semantic changes of this term affects the Shi'i beliefs significantly as far as the familiarity with "Imamate" and its course of development is concerned. Of course, such an inquiry is not sought to judge the veracity of each of these meanings; this article is in principle not intended to validate these usages. The theological dimensions of this discussion are beyond the scope of this article, even though its close relationship to theological discussions can not be ignored.

    In this article, through using some modern semantic teachings, some instances of the semantic and etymological changes have been mentioned. A briedf mention has also been made of the role of historical events in semantic changes in notions or their development or transformation.

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    The Relations between Ottomans and Uzbeks and Its influence

    on the Survival of the Safavid Government under Shah Tahmasp

    Hamid Hajianpur

    Assistant Professor of History in Shiraz University

    Because of waging wars against European countries, Ottomans under sultan Suleyman tried not to use gunboat diplomacy in dealing with Iran and even refrained from instigating Uzbeks against Safavids. However, when they were disengaged from European wars on the one hand. and hostihty between the Uzbecks and the shi'i sect (Iran) was intensified by political and religious differences on the other both Ottomans and Uzbeks launched synchronous attacks on both western and eastern frontiers of Iran. Comman language, race and religion as well as the idea of revival of caliphate were among the factors uniting Ottomans and Uzbeks against

    Safavids' religious and political claims.

    This study investigates the manner of and the reason for unification of Ottomans and Uzbeks under Safavid Shah Tahmasp. This article is intended to study sultan Syleyman's policy regarding Iran and especially his diplomacy in dealing with Uzbeks of Transoxania, and enumerate the consequences of the unification of the two Sunni governments in eastern and western Iran for Safavid state. In effect, this study seeks to review some of the internal relations in Muslim world during 10th / 16th century

    The Reasons for Alavids' Arrival in Tabaristan.

    Mohammad Shoormij

    PhD Student in history of islamic Iran

    This study is intended to investigate causes of Alavids' arrival in Mazandaran and the way in which they established the Alavid government. The region of Tabaristan was especially important because of its geographical location and political situation and was always a shelter for chief opponents of the Caliphate. The characteristics of Tabaristan had made it a suitable place for Alavids to materialize their aspirations in a milieu out of the reach of the Caliphate.

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    The Helpers (Ansar) and Commandr of the Faithful (Amir al-Mumenin)

    Saeed Taliqani

    (M.A. in History of Islam)

    The Majority of Helpers were Prophet's sincere companions and generally supporters of Imam Ali and the Prophet's household. Although they couldn't play their proper role in giving Imam Ali and the Prophet's

    household strong support in the Saqifa Event because of their strong rival, Quraysh, which were supporteed by hypocrites, they were always loyal to Imam Ali and the Prophet's household, and were not hostile to them. They were engaged in the Saqifa Event so as to prevent the Quraysh's dominion, because the Quraysh intended to deprive the Prophet's household of their rights. This paper, investigates the Helpers' relationship with Imam Ali.

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    The Post of Muhtasib1 and the Necessary Qualifications

    for Acceding to it in the Abbasid Period

    Gholam Reza Montazeri

    Associate professor in Islamic Azad University- Qaemshahr

    The present study has two sections: the first is concerned with the historical course, the limits and the jurisdiction of the Muhtasib's post and the necessary qualifications for acceding to it in religious scholars' views and works and that of the states men in Abbasid period; in the second one, the extent to which the appointments conformed with the necessary qualifications and standards for this religious institution is investigated, and finally, it is concluded that this responsibility used to be relegated to learned men who were familiar with legal and jurisprudential matters, and to trustworthy and qualified men. Some rulers, however, would relegate this post  which should bring about peace and security for people  to persons who would promise to pay more.

    A Survey on the Usages of the Epithet Amir al-Mumenin

    in the Context of Islamic History(1)

    Hamed Mutazeri Muqaddam

    tenured Professor in Imam Khomeini educational and research institute

    The present study investigates the usages of the epithet "Amiral-Mu'menin" (Commander of the Faithful) in three chapters: "the lexical study", "the first usage", and "the usage extension". This study will be presented in two parts in two successive issues of this magazine. The first part of the study presented here covers the discussion up to some section of the last chapter ("the usage extension"), and the rest will be presented in the next issue. Besides, the conclusion of the study will be presented in bulk at the end of the second part.

    124. Hisba (muhtasib), as used in Islamic text, literally means the agent responsible for forbidding the illicit actions, super vising the religious affairs, controlling the commercial transactions, preventing cheating in using weights and so on.
    شیوه ارجاع به این مقاله: RIS Mendeley BibTeX APA MLA HARVARD VANCOUVER


    (نویسنده تعیین نشده).(1387) چکیده انگلیسی / سیدرحیم راستى‏تبار. دو فصلنامه تاریخ اسلام در آینه پژوهش، 5(1)، -


    (نویسنده تعیین نشده)."چکیده انگلیسی / سیدرحیم راستى‏تبار". دو فصلنامه تاریخ اسلام در آینه پژوهش، 5، 1، 1387، -


    (نویسنده تعیین نشده).(1387) 'چکیده انگلیسی / سیدرحیم راستى‏تبار'، دو فصلنامه تاریخ اسلام در آینه پژوهش، 5(1), pp. -


    (نویسنده تعیین نشده). چکیده انگلیسی / سیدرحیم راستى‏تبار. تاریخ اسلام در آینه پژوهش، 5, 1387؛ 5(1): -